How To Make Life Easier Recognize that there may be certain times of the day when you feel better and use that to your advantage. Break large tasks into smaller ones; set priorities and take things one at a time; avoid taking on too much responsibility and setting overly difficult goals. Try not to expect too much from yourself so as to lessen any feeling of failure you may have. Activities such as exercise, attending sports or cultural events or participating in a religious or social event can help you feel better. It is important not to overdo it; feeling better takes time. Avoid alcohol and non-prescribed drugs. This kind of self-medication may provide a temporary "high", but in the end will intensify depression. If affected with Depressive disorders, you may feel exhausted, worthless, helpless and hopeless. You may feel like giving up. It is important to realize that these symptoms and negative thinking are part of depression. When treatment begins to take effect, the negative thinking fades. Lastly, something that we all hate with a passion, but something that none-the less is very important to us all. Exercise. I know, I know, it sucks. But heres the point, depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. The synapses slow down and stop firing, or they fire so slowly that it doesn't matter anyway. Theyre a lot like circuits locked open. The circuit still exists, it's just incomplete. No power is passing through it. Well thats what these synapses do. They close and a current passes through them. Each time they close a chemical called seratonin is created. This chemical is what elevates our mood. In a depressed persons mind there is a shortage of seratonin. That's where meds come in. They lock the "Circuits", or synapses closed and flood the brain with emergency seratonin. It takes about three to four weeks to see progress but it works and your mood improves. Exercise does the same thing, only naturally. Each time we exercise our bodies are flooded with hundreds of chemicals, some of them are endorphines and others are seratonin. Why else do you think that it takes about three to four weeks of continuous exercise for people to become conditioned and almost addicted to the "rush" they get from exercise? Seratonin! Exercise people. |